What others say:

“There’s a bittersweet quality to his songs that reflects the bitter-sweetness of life itself, the timeless, human intermingling of joy and sadness, tears and laughter”.  Alden Nowlan, Atlantic Insight 

“21stCentury troubadour . . . his songs all have that universal flavour.” Bill Turney, Atlantic Advocate

“His songs are very alive, vital and relevant . . . a very talented musician.” Robbie Gass, Springhill Community

“Paul Lauzon writes it, sings it, and believes it. Now he’s joined with the Canadian Hunger Foundationto do something about it . . .  with proceeds of the recording going to a water-starved village in southeastern Kenya.” Helen Charters, Telegraph Journal

“Paul Lauzon’s performance kept an enthralled audience laughing and singing throughout.” Don Hoyt, Telegraph Journal

“His attention to detail, his strong folk voice, his versatility and musicianship carried the day.” Vivien Anderson, Daily Gleaner

“Your lyrics and music – life and beauty and mystery and so much more.”  Dr. Ron Lehr